Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024


JANUARY 8 – 15 TH 2019

Organized by: Futuro e Progresso Associazione di promozione sociale

Project title: “Don’t be afraid of the stranger”
Venue: Padova, Italy
Accomodation: Hotel le Calandre, Via Liguria 1/A, 35030, Sarmeola di Rubano (PD), Italy
Exchange dates: arrival January 8th, departure January 15th (7 nights)
Participating organizations and country of origin: Futuro e Progresso APS (Italy), Be Part (Greece), EEF (Romania), Agrou Filodasikos (Cyprus), Balkan (Turkey), Szukamy Talentòw (Poland)
Participants: 4 per country/organization + 1 group leader for a total of 5; gender balance (3-2 / 2-3 male/female)
Age: 18-30
Language: English
Coordinator: Nicola Kopij Zanin

Project objectives
 study how to encourage the process of integration and prevention of radicalization;
 overcome fears, stereotypes, prejudices towards new citizens;
 promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
 prevent ghettoization or isolation of new immigrants and minorities;
 acknowledge socio-economic opportunities arising from immigration;
 build bridges among various cultures;
 promote a concept of open and tolerant Europe with precise duties and common rules to be
 respected;
 educate to the respect of differences, towards tolerance, brotherhood and human rights;
 promote non formal education and Erasmus Plus as one of the most important programs in
 developing the youth’s active participation in the European Union’s social life;
 stimulate critical analysis and entrepreneurial spirit among youth;
 transfer the fundamental values

Project methodology
 debates
 workshops
 brainstorming
 problem solving
 games: socio-educational, simple, musical, sports, in groups (divided by gender and nationality), indoor and outdoor
 contributions: graphical (charts, schemes, graphs and conceptual maps), written, artistic, musical and theatrical
 sketches
 quizzes
 simulations
 flash mob
 exposition of work
 questionnaires
 question time
 interviews
 direct contributions

Hotel le Calandre, Via Liguria 1/A, 35030, Sarmeola di Rubano (PD), Italy
 Full board with breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet (halal, kashrut and gluten-free dishes available)
 Conference room
 Double and triple rooms
 Wi-Fi in rooms and common areas
 3-star hotel
 More info at www.lecalandrehotel.it

Practical information
 Participants from Schengen travel area are allowed to travel to Italy with a regular valid ID card or passport; participants form non-Schengen areas living outside the EU must obtain a travel Visa.
 Participants from EU countries shall bring with them the European Health Card.
 Participants are advised to bring laptops for graphical contributions to workshops and other activities.
 Towels, sheets and hygiene products will be provided by the hotel but participants may bring their one if they wish so.
 The weather in January is cold, the average temperature is 10 °C during daytime but may go below 0 °C at night; precipitations may occur while snow is very rare.
 The currency adopted in Italy is the euro (€): participants are advised to bring with them some euros for souvenirs or other personal purchases.
 Deadline for selection of participants: September 1st 2018

 Contribution for registration of participants is €15 each. As per Italian law, participants must be registered to Futuro e Progresso APS in order to take part in the project and be covered by basic

Project rules
 Participants must communicate and carry out all activities in English language.
 Participants shall respect the hours of silence during night time in the hotel since other external guests to the project will be staying there too.
 Any compensation for damage caused to physical property in the hotel will be charged to the offender.
Having said that, let’s all have a great time together responsibly, learn from new cultures, people, environments and most of all… have fun!
Remember that this project is a learning opportunity for you.

Travel expenses and information
Each participant from the respective organization is allowed to the reimbursement of his/her travel expenses as defined by the European Commission guidelines. The reimbursement will be carried out in euros at the official exchange rate of the day of purchase of the tickets. All other costs related to accommodation are covered.
Please note that each participant is required to purchase his/her travel tickets and other necessary documents individually if not instructed otherwise by the respective organization and approved by Futuro e Progresso APS.
Each participant shall present hard copies of travel tickets. Reimbursements will be valid only for transportation by plane, train, bus. Transfers in taxi and fuel bills for personal transport will not be valid for reimbursement.
How to get to Padova
Option 1:
1. Flight to Venezia Marco Polo (VCE) Airport
2. Bus 15 ACTV or Atvo Mestre Express to Venezia Mestre train station
3. Train from Venezia Mestre to Padova train station
2. Private group bus transfer from airport to Padova (recommended operator: GoOpti)
Option 2:
1. Flight to Bologna Marconi (BLQ) Airport
2. Shuttle bus from airport to Bologna train station
3. Train from Bologna to Padova train station
KA1 Youth exchange “Don’t be afraid of the stranger”
Futuro e Progresso Associazione di promozione sociale
Please note that Futuro e Progresso APS may agree with partner organizations to personally organize the transport for participants from the airport to Padova.

Timetable of activities
– arrival of participants and accommodation
– presentation of the organizations, discussion on objectives and rules, training on security regulations
– questionnaire
– integration and ice-breaking games to get to know eac hother
Day 2
– discussion on the questionnaire
– Workshop 1; “Who are the immigrants coming to Europe, the causes and the routes they face”; 2
games: “The Refugee – he would like to have your problems” and “5W”
– visit to the community of minorities in Padova to learn their story, activities (schools, games libraries and journals), difficulties in integration. Direct interaction: interviews, question time, reading of their journal
– Italian cultural evening
Day 3
– “Customer Service” game
– Workshop 2A “Let’s face our prejudices towards immigrants”. “Two truths, one lie”, map of
prejudices, historic-cultural quiz, rap song “Antonio & Alì”
– Workshop 2B “Education to European citizenship against racism and discrimination”; alphabet
map; exercise “Dear fiend…”
– theatrical performance, debate
– Polish cultural evening
Day 4
– presentation of the phenomenon of young Europeans’ emigration
– visit and lunch at Associazione Migranti: testimony of immigrants, interaction with volunteers and
– discussion, synthesis, drawing up of conclusions on the daily activities
– mid-term questionnaire
– Greek and Cyprian cultural evening
Day 5
– Workshop 3A “The history of our ancestors as European immigrants”; chart with similes and
– Workshop 3B “How our countries deal with the immigration streams”: analysis of hosting methods of immigrants and refugees, identification of asylum seekers suitable for political asylum
– exercises “Guess who” and “If I had a magic wand what would you change”
– Romanian cultural evening
Day 6
– cultural visit to Venice, flash mob
– Turkish cultural evening
Day 7
– Workshop 4A “Let’s draw up the European Card of the Migrant”
– Workshop 4B “Immigration: opportunities and dangers”: debate on advantages and risks
– final questionnaire
– delivery of Youthpass certificate, award ceremony
Day 8
– departure of participants

Contact details
Email: associazionefuturoprogresso@gmail.com
Facebook Futuro e Progresso APS page: https://www.facebook.com/FuturoProgresso/?ref=br_rs
Telephone number: +39 3332210334
Facebook project group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2079188325653495/ (Erasmus Plus KA1 “Don’t be afraid of the stranger”
For additional information at national level you can refer to the legal representative or the contact person of the involved partner organizations in the project.

Organization Country of origin Maximum amount of travel expenses reimbursed in euros per participant
Futuro e Progresso APS Italy € 0
Be Part Greece € 275
EEF Romania € 275
Agrou Filodasikos Cyprus € 360
Balkan Turkey € 360
Szukamy talentòw Poland € 275

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