Professionalism and Institutionalism in Youth NGOs
INFOPACK for Professionalism and Institutionalism in Youth NGOs (Pro & YouNG)
Project Ref. Number: 2018-2-TR01-KA105-060221
Applicant/Organizer: Sosyal İnovasyon ve Girişimcilik Derneği (Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association / SinG-Der)
Dates for Mobility & Training: 05 – 14 April 2019 (Training will be started on 06.04.2019 and ended on 13.04.2019 – Two days are included for mobility)
Place: Kartal / İstanbul – The Grand Mira Business
Accommodation: will be in Kartal near to district center. Training will be organized in the hotel & meals will be organized near hotel. (In-city travel info to the hotel will be provided before arrival)
Contact Person: Deniz OTU, email:
Number of Participants per each organization: 6 (Gender balance should be taken into account as much as possible)
Project Summary: Professionalism and Institutionalism in Youth NGOs (Pro & YouNG) project aims to contribute to capacity development of existing youth NGOs and increase of the number of new NGOs by providing tailor made pilot training to youth workers and leaders. Project will upskill the youth workers in financial, institutional, managerial, entrepreneurship in social sector to make them competent to provide trainings, mentorship, guidance to young people and other youth workers/leaders in NGOs.
Hence capacity building for European NGOs will be ensured and supported. Main problems that European NGOs face are limited financial and administrative capacity which prevent them to conduct/implement sustainable activities and/or solutions to social and local problems. Having sufficient knowledge and ability in these areas can contribute to NGOs significantly. However, these educational resources are limited and not provided in schools or universities but private training courses. A specific and tailor made training in this area will ensure the closing the methodology gap.
In line with the problems mentioned above, Professionalism and Institutionalism in Youth NGOs (Pro & YouNG) Project will create a tailor made pilot training programme for youth workers.
Travel Rules:
You have to use the cheapest way (i.e. economy class for planes/busses, no use of taxi – only the public transportation etc.) of travel as much as possible. Otherwise it cannot be reimbursed. It is important for you to collect all receipts and boarding passes for reimbursement.
Important note for travel: Since accomodation and trainings will be at Anatolian part of Istanbul, it is advised participants to fly Sabiha Gökçen Airport instead of Atatürk Airport. Also Atatürk airport will be closed in 2019 since it is going to be moved another location at European Side of Istanbul and its new location is a quite remote place. So bear in mind for
these info while doing your bookings.
Additional note: Extra luggage, 1st/business class tickets, extra meals on flight, penalties due to changing flights/flight dates&hours cannot be covered under no circumstances.
Insurance: According to our National Agency, it is participant’s responsibility to make the insurance arrangements. Please make your travel insurance (covering health issues) prior to coming to the training. It is the only requirement asked from the participants. Other expenses such as travel, accomodation, meals and etc. will be covered by the Project in paralell with the rules of Erasmus+ Programme.
Country Travel expenses covered by the project at Maximum
Greece 275 €
Romania 180 €
Italy 275 €
Bulgaria 180 €
Hungary 275 €
Please note that, travel costs are based on the address of your organization. If any of the participants travels from a near distance the travel subsistance will be lower as stated by the Erasmus+ Programme rules:
100 – 499 km: 180 €
500 – 1999 km: 275 €
Also, according to our National Agency, if any of the participants would like to travel earlier and/or stay in Turkey for awhile, the limit of the extra duration is 3 days in total. NA stated that you may not recover some of the travel costs in such cases.
Travel reimbursements will be done by cash at the last day of the training upon the submission of travel documents to us.
Pro & Young – Draft Plan for Training Activity