Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

In the end, We are all HUMAN

Date of project: 16 -23 November

Info Pack

Dear partners and participants,

Warm greetings from Turkey. We are really happy that the project was approved and have a chance to implement it together with all of you.

For a successful project we thought that we should share more information with you about

our organization, project’s stuff and responsible team, project venue and the project itself.

Let’s start!

Brief explanation of the project:

Nowadays the topics of discrimination, stereotyping, xenophobia and gender inequality are becoming important issues and conflicts in the European and world countries. The youth people and their opinions are playing a big role in their societies. With the giving and exchanging the right information about these topics, we would like to try to change the opinions and behaviors at the same time create campaigns that will help us to succeed our aims and reach more people.

In our project ” In the end, we are all human” we are going to include 7 Program countries (Romania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech, Lithuania, Macedonia and Turkey).

Each of the partners will have to send 4+1 participants.

The venue of the project will be Canakkale, Turkey.

Our general aim is to exchange knowledge and experiences between 35 participants coming from 7 different European countries about the different forms of discrimination, stereotyping and gender inequality and discuss the situations in their countries and aim to find common solutions and methods how to fight against these issues.

At the same time with the project, we would like to support the internationalization, social cohesion, equity, democracy and diversity between the participants from 7 different countries and organizations coming from different areas of Europe.

This aim we plan to reach with succeeding the following objectives of the project:

  • to recognize, from personal experience, the different forms of discrimination that 35 young people coming from 7 different countries experience and reproduce in their closest environment, regardless of the origin country where they come from.
  • to discuss and find out ways using non-formal educational methods how to Identify discrimination in whatever the situation and the context in which it is presented, to reflect on the discriminatory acts that are being perpetrated against different groups in vulnerable situations from different sociocultural perspectives.
  • to promote and discuss the fundamental European values among 35 young people coming from 7 European countries, in particular, respect for human dignity, equality, respect for human rights, gender equality and anti-hate speech and highlight the connection between the topics, tolerance and non-discrimination, including young people with fewer opportunities
  • to put accent and produce a good structured written document about the institutions and mechanisms at a European and local level that intervene in case of living situations of discrimination, abuse or gender inequality that will be published and available for every NGO around Europa
  • to Strengthen the cooperation of the participating organizations, their collaboration and sharing of experiences
  • To promote Erasmus plus program, Youthpass certificate, Non-formal education and foster the mobility of young people in Europe
  • to create “love speech” online and offline campaigns during and after the mobility period at a local and international level
  • To develop personal action plans that deal with the topics of the project and try to implement it in their own community and organisations, have a chance to use their creativity, create and lead campaigns, effect on the local youth and also create plans about how to act in their communities)

The desired impact on the participants, supported by group leaders is to jointly carry out a work program designed and prepared by them before the exchange, to develop competencies; become aware of thematic areas; discover new cultures, habits and lifestyles, strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc.

The desired goal is to improve the well-being of the youth and prevent discrimination, xenophobia, stereotyping and gender inequality.

As a project impact, we plan to organize online campaigns #lovespeech and #intheendweareallhuman, post project workshops and informative meetings in the partner organisations’ community.

The participants all together will record a video like a public spotlight in 7 different languages (say no to the discrimination) as a part of the love speech campaign.

We’ll use non-formal education through team-building exercises, presentations, reflection groups, flash mobs, debates and simulations. Our activities will consist of workshops, outdoor activities, making interviews, indoor activities, doing video records, taking photos, inter cultural evenings, as well as a flash mob campaign activity in the city center, which can involve local citizens and an online campaign. Also, we will have a short trip to visit TROY and Troy museum as 2019 and 2020 were dedicated as TROY years.

Project venue

As you know project will take action in Çanakkale, Merkez (center)/ TURKEY. Maybe some of you hear for a first time about it so we like to give you some information about Çanakkale itself.

Çanakkale, a city and region of education, culture and history with past stretching back 5,000 years, has been nourished by the legacy of ancient cultural treasures such as The Illiada by Homer and has come to appreciate the enchanting historical sites within its boundaries and is now a significant tourism center. The Gallipoli Historic National Park, where one of the most important events in Turkey’s history and that of the First World War, the Gallipoli Campaign, took place; and two of the most important ancient centers in western Anatolia, Troy and Assos, which are from the indispensable value as historical and tourism sites, are all in the province of Çanakkale.


Çanakkale is a province of Turkey, located in the northwestern part of the country. Çanakkale has lands in both Asia and Europe. The European part is formed by the Gallipoli (Gelibolu) peninsula on the northwest coast of Turkey, while the Asian part belongs to Anatolia.


Çanakkale has a 9,933 km2 area. The altitude is 2m within the boundaries of Çanakkale Province.


Çanakkale has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and cool and rainy winters. The land is arid, and snow falls ordinarily every winter. The temperatures during October are going between 21° / 12° and in November are between 17° / 8°.

Sooooo…prepare your luggage according to it. It may be rain but nothing can stop us from having fun. J

About the project:


In this YE will take part 7 groups of youth from Romania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech, Lithuania, Macedonia and Turkey. Each group will consist of 4 participants plus 1 leader. Please during the selection process take in consideration the gender equality and the age limit (18- 26).

Taking in mind that our project topics are inclusion- equity and equal opportunities we decided to include youngsters facing difficulties as project participants.

Each of the partners should include at least one participant that is facing:

  • Cultural differences, (people belonging to a national or ethnic minority; people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties)
  • Social obstacles, (people facing discrimination because of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.; people with limited social skills or anti-social or risky behaviors; people in a precarious situation)
  • Economic obstacles, (people with a low standard of living, low income, young people in long- term unemployment or poverty; people with financial problems) or
  • Geographical obstacles, (people from remote or rural areas; people living in small islands or in peripheral regions)

The official language of this training will be English language. In order to make the participation on a high level and this project successful, please while choosing your participants take in mind their English language knowledge.

The organizers need to be informed in time about the special needs of each participant (food/ medication/allergies/medical conditions/smoker/special diet/etc) if such information is not given to the organizing team we cannot guarantee that we can take them in consideration and assure to each participants the best of comfort during the project.


The project duration will be 6 days + 1 travel day. The activities will be send in advance.


The participants will be accommodated in hostel/hotel near the center/ in the center of the city. They will be divided in rooms according to the gender. There will be 3 or four participants in the same rooms. We prefer to put in the same room participants from different countries in order to help in the cohesion of the participants.

Extra note. There will be WIFI network for free in the working place and in the hotel rooms.

Travel and reimbursement Tips for traveling:

You can arrive to Canakkale by plane/car and bus.

When you will arrive in Istanbul or Izmir, you can come to Canakkale using bus. Nearby airports: Istanbul, Canakkale or Izmir.

In case you need help with your transportation and travel arrangements please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please inform us in time about your arrival place and hour so we can arrange for you to be picked up and accompanied to the hosting place.

Local transportation during cultural visits on the agenda and other activities which need transportation, will be provided.

Important note!

International Ticket Buying:

  • Venue of the project is Çanakkale, Merkez – Turkey
  • We have airport in Çanakkale so you can flight till there or flight to

–    (New Istanbul Airport (IST) and Sabiha Gökçen (SAW)) in Instanbul and then you need to take bus to Çanakkale. Or travel to Izmir and reach Çanakkale by bus.

  • We recommend you buy tickets online from the airport company directly, and you can get your invoice online as well. Then we can easily reimburse your travel costs with your boarding pass and invoice.
  • Plane tickets must be bought to Istanbul, Izmir or Canakkale directly, Please, do not buy separate ticket to another city or airport. We do not accept travel from country different than yours.

If you want to buy it from a travel agency, please get these documents:

  • Electronic ticket (having route and dates);
  • Invoice (faktura or similar one, having stamp and signature);
  • Boarding passes/cards and baggage receipts; All tickets must be in economic class.

You need to get approval from hosting organization before buying!

No ticket without approval from our side will be reimbursed. Please before buying the tickets write to us and wait for our confirmation. The exception in the travel days are maximum 3 days. If your ticket dates will not be in this frame and exception, the money will be not reimbursed.

Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation of all original tickets (including return tickets). The tickets, invoices and boarding passes will stay in the hosting organization.

Reimbursement procedures:

  • There is no participation fee.
  • Reimbursements will be calculated with real prices of the tickets and the rest of the travel cost will stay in hosting/coordinating organization.
  • All international tickets must be approved by the hosting organization before buying it, buying ticket without approval will not be reimbursed.
  • Limitation for the international travel costs will be calculated according to the Erasmus+ Distance Calculator http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm which is mentioned above as well.
  • International tickets will be bought by the participants and all the reimbursement will be done on the spot by cash (during the project or after the end of it when all the documentation will be completed).
  • Participants must bring all financial documents such as invoices, electronic tickets and boarding passes etc. of all relevant travel costs to be reimbursed.

Documents required for the reimbursement:

  • Original electronic tickets (having route and dates) – email print won’t be accepted. Please download receipt/ invoice
  • Boarding passes/cards and baggage receipts
  • Travel stamps (that you get at the passport control) and Passport copies (All the participants must bring their passports with them even if they can travel with ID, they must use passport to come. To get a stamp in the airport and proof of entering Turkey.)
  • No reimbursement is done for business and first-class tickets.
  • No taxi, no private car, no private shuttle, no personal means of transportation will be reimbursed! You can only use public transportation.

◦   Participants are strictly responsible to keep all the original documents mentioned above with them and deliver them in order to be reimbursed. In case of lose of the tickets, or boarding passes THE TRAVEL WON’T BE REIMBURSED!

Travel reimbursement:

Country Money per person
Macedonia 275 €
Slovakia 275 €
Romania 275 €
Czech Rep. 275 €
Poland 275 €
Lithuania 275 €
Turkey 20 €

Health Insurance

Important note!

All the participants will have to have an active travel and health insurance during the time of the project. It’s not expensive and it’s good to have it just in case. The insurance cost should be paid by the participants. There won’t be reimbursement for it. The participant will have the responsibility of it.

Tasks to be done by participants!

  • Fulfill the online selection form before 25th of September 2019
  • Tickets has to be bought before 20th of October 2019.
  • Travel form has to be filled online before 10th of October 2019
  • Passport copies (pictures or scan) has to be sent: toplumadestekdernegiproject@gmail.com


1st of October 2019

Project activities related tasks:

As a part of the cultural workshops and activities, all of the organisational teams will have a duty to create presentations about their country, food, costumes, traditional dances and presentation about their organisation. Also, each of the participants will have a duty to record a max. 5min video about themselves and a day in their life. These videos will be used as a presentation on the first day of the project. With this we aim, all of the participants to get to know each other better.

We are going to create FB and Whatsup group so from there we can disccuss more about tasks, rights and responsibilities of the participants.

What to take?

As you know that there will be organize the intercultural nights, please take your country flags and come traditional food, drinks and some presentation about your country and organization. You can also bring some souvenirs or something that maybe you want to give to the participants.

Take your cameras, energy, motivation and be ready for fun J

P.s. Bring your shampoo, slippers, warm clothes, raincoat, charger for your phone, etc. In case you are using some medicines, please do not forget to take them with you.

Responsibilities of the partner organisations

  1. Do not take any money from participants under any name
  2. To be accessible and to attend the preparatory stage
  3. To choose a project contact person and to select an experienced group leader
  4. To select the exact number of the participants- in case some of the selected candidates give up,the organisation is responsible to select another participant asap
  5. To provide gender, age balance and participation of fewer opportunities( facing economic, social, cultural, geographical obstacles)
  6. To organise a Pre-departure training/meeting before the mobility and give extra support for the participants with Fewer opportunities.
  7. To ensure the participants received and understood the info-pack prepared by the Hosting organisation
  8. To ensure the participants understand the methods, rights and responsibilities, intercultural learning, teamwork and the responsibility to take part in the entire project duration.
  9. To ensure the fulfilment of assignments and responsibilities
  10. To help participants in their travel plan and obtaining a visa in case there will be a need.
  11. To ensure and monitor participants’ learning process, conflict management during the youth exchange, adapting learning sessions to young people’s learning needs and goals, collecting feedback from participants and supporting participants
  12. To provide support for dissemination activities of the project
    Before the start of the project: To share the news of the project approval on their website and social
  13. media accounts, to take in mind that on every publication post should be included the Erasmus plus logo and the logo of the Turkish National Agency.
  • During the duration of the project: To share on the social media news about the project and at the same time to provide the Erasmus + visibility of the project
  • Post-project: To share project results and outputs and organize a small workshop in their organisations about the project outputs
  • To monitor the project and evaluate its impacts
  • To ensure that the participants will fulfil the final report that will be sent upon the end of the project
  • To coordinate the reimbursement of travel expenses ( the reimbursement will be done after the applicant organisation will receive the boarding passes and tickets in original. Or during the project in case all the documents are ok). The reimbursement will be done to the organisational account or person in personal)


In order to have a good and effective contact, we created a group on facebook/ whatsup. You should include your participants in the group after their selection.

Please save this number to your phones: +90 539 661 27 14 SLAVICA UZAN

Please do not forget to stay tuned to our activities and do not forget to follow our organisation on

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toplumadestekdernegi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/toplumadestek

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toplumadestekdernegi.tdd/

We are waiting for you J

For any questions, do not hesitate to contct us on toplumadestekdernegiproject@gmail.com.

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